
Week 5

Conditional execution

a. Calculate the absolute value of a number (not using the built-in abs function). Use the following code as a template (replace the dashes —– with code).

x = ------
if -----:
    absx = -----
    absx = -----

print('the absolute value of x is',absx)

b. Using conditional execution, determine whether a user-provided integer x is even or odd and print the result (hint: the % operator calculates the remainder that occurs when dividing two numbers, e.g. the result of 7 % 3 is equal to 1).

xin = input('Please enter a number:')
x = int(xin)
if ------:
    print(‘The number is odd’)

c. Modify the code written in part b to use try and except statements to handle non-integer input gracefully. If the input is not an integer, the program should print a friendly message explaining what went wrong.

d. (if time) Modify the code written in part b above to continue requesting input until an integer is provided.

Grain size classification (if time)

Write a function that takes sediment grain size as an input, then returns the Wentworth grain size classification based on the table below.

Grain Size


>= 256 mm


64-256 mm


2-64 mm


62.5 μm - 2 mm


3.9-62.5 μm


0.98-3.9 μm


Test the program repeatedly to make sure it works for different input values.